Mpokolo Congo vzw

Movie night in Buizingen
November 8, 2018

On Nov. 8, 2018, the support group organized a movie night in “De Simmebrug” in Buizingen. This evening showed the video report Jan Steenhouwer made during his visit to Kananga in July-August 2018. It was a three-part documentary about Mpokolo wa Muoyo (40′), “la prison centrale” (approx. 25′) and the fieldwork of ORS or Oeuvres de reclassement sociale (approx. 10′).

This movie night was also announced on EditiePajot: click here.

There were about 75 attendees from all the Flemish provinces.

EditiePajot also looked back on our movie night: click here.

This evening also saw the launch of the action “On sait jamais” to raise funds to purchase a new all terrain vehicle for Mpokolo wa Muoyo. From the film shown, it was abundantly clear that there was a need for a good 4 X 4, as evidenced by this video (2’21”).

Click here for more info about the action “On sait jamais.