The support group organized a quiz night on February 23, 2019 at the Institute of Our Lady in St. Genesius-Rode. We had the help of Guy De Pré (radio 2) and of Jonas Vandermeiren for the presentation. Partly due to their efforts and because of the fascinating, original quiz questions, we were able to make it a successful evening for the 23 registered and enthusiastic teams.
Net profit was just under €1,900.
EditiePajot announced our quiz night twice: on January 7, 2019 and on February 8, 2019.
EditiePajot brought a report on the successful evening on February 27, 2019.
The venue is ready, the staff is standing by at the box office, behind the counter, in the auditorium, …
Our chairman welcomed everyone.
Prizes await the winners.
The presentation was in the hands of Guy De Pré
Concentration and excitement during the quiz.
The prize winners