Mpokolo Congo vzw

Support for Mpokolo wa Muoyo

If you want to financially support “Mpokolo wa Muoyo” in Kananga, you can do so through two different account numbers.

Those wishing to make a transfer that is tax deductible (with tax certificate) can use the account number below.

For more info on tax breaks and donations: see the FPS Finance website

Account holder:
Scheut Development Cooperation

Account number:
BE82 0000 9019 7468

02243031091, Mpokolo, Kananga

This account number can only be used for individual donations. The tax certificate will be provided to you by Scheut Development Cooperation vzw.

Other donations, from groups, parishes, actions, etc. that cannot claim tax relief can be transferred to the following account:

Account holder:
Mpokolo Congo

Account number:
BE33 3631 9834 6246

Mpokolo wa Muoyo, Kananga

Please note that no tax certificate will be issued for transfers to this account.